Choosing Flutter for mobile application development

Popular cross-platform conception could not be ignored by industry monster Google. So, React Native got his maybe main competitor for now.
Flutter is attracting a lot of attention from all the developers and customers. Many technological meetups, conferences and talk shows are referring to this particular cross-platform. The number of Flutter mobile apps in AppStore and Google Play have been increasing more and more.

Decred Wallet

Decred Wallet – mobile wallet for the decred mainnet blockchain. Decred is the cryptocurrency project from TOP100 by coinmarketcap. Features: – Privacy-preserving Simplified Payment Verification – Hierarchical deterministic keys (BIP0032) – Built on dcrwallet with gomobile. Decred Project: Code at Executives Project Lead: Decred Team Developers: Mobiwolf Team UI designer: Decred Team Skills…

Find Me

Find Me is interesting startup which has social networking conception. It allows to connect with people near you and send broadcast messages into this app network. The app can be considered as a wide range social platform for the building of business and private cooperation. Advertisement, awareness about new services near you, events within the…


Nunua – e-commerce solution for Kenyan supermarkets. It is order and delivery system. Executives Developers: Mobiwolf Team Back-end and Admin Panel: Mobiwolf Team UI design: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Android 50%PHP 25%UI design 10%Management 15% Technology Android SDK, PHP, MySQL Client Company: Churchblaze Group Limited Country: Kenya


Ems Find Android, iOS, Web Apps are B2B & B2C on-demand mobile transportation platform is designed to connect the health care providers and patients with near by network of medical transport companies throughout the United States and Canada to set up a medical transportation in timely and efficient way, based on the type of medical…


MyMUN was built for Model United Nations. It is the user-driven MUN Database. User can add and update his own MUN conference, assemble his MUN Profile, host and organize his MUN on the most modern platform available. Executives Project Lead: Anastasiia Korostelova Developer: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Development 80%Design 5%Management 15% Technology iOS SDK, Objective-C Client Company: MyMUN…