
Digitsole Warm Series – The Connected Heating Insoles. iPhone application controls a pair of Digitsole Warm V3 insoles via Bluetooth to worm and track. Executives Project Lead: Oleksiy Karaykoza Developer: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Development 80%Design 5%Management 15% Technology iOS SDK, Objective-C Client Company: Glagla International Country: France


BuzzShow is a social video service that enhances users experience with YouTube videos and other sources of videos that might be connected to the service. Service has its own virtual currency. Executives Project Lead: Mobiwolf Team Developers: Mobiwolf Team Back-end: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Android 50%Ruby on Rails 35%Management 15% Technology Android SDK, Ruby on Rails…


Dizengof shopping center in Tel Aviv LIVE navigation app. Client Company: Shimeba Country: Israel Executives Project Lead: Oleksiy Karaykoza Developer: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Development 80%Design 5%Management 15% Technology Android SDK


Gameplan is a priority management software that allows managers & employees to collaborate online to prioritize their projects & tasks. Client Company: Gameplan, Inc. Country: USA Executives Project Lead: Oleksiy Karaykoza Developer: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Development 80%Design 5%Management 15% Technology Android SDK

Money Calculator

Money Calculator – Easy and useful counter for banknote and coins. Supports multiple currencies. Mobiwolf own project for for faster counting of banknote and coins. Client Company: Mobiwolf Country: Ukraine Executives Project Lead: Sergii Adamchuk Developer: Mobiwolf Team Skills used Development 80%Design 5%Management 15% Technology Android SDK

Open Vehicles

Tesla Roadster is a registered Trademark of Tesla Motors, Inc. Brought to you by the open-source OVMS project, finally you can remotely monitor your edge cutting EV — the Tesla Roadster. The app shows the current state of charge (SOC), door/trunk/hood status, tire pressures and temperatures (TPMS), core system temperatures (PEM, motor, and ESS/battery), and…